Isn't it time you experienced
The Lady as seen through the eyes of the guy that named her that ? There is nobody that knows the Elk River better or has patterns that work better on the Elk then Dave Breitmeier aka the Elkfisher . The reason for this is simple .... There is no one alive that has spent more time fishing & guiding on the river then Dave has ! His knowledge of the river is legendary . For the 1st time in 2 years you can put his 3500+ days on the river to work for you , the Elkfisher is back :) ! Whether you are a long time Elk River fisherman wanting to take your Elk River game to a new level , a 1st time visitor wanting to get up to speed here quickly or an absolute beginner wise enough to know it pays to learn straight from the best, Dave has got the knowledge , patience and experience to make your Elk River dreams come true ! |
Guided TripsWe of course are offering Guided Fly Fishing Trips on both The Main Elk , & the Slaty Fork section . We are also offering guided small stream trips for native brookies and wild browns .
The Elkfisher's CornerThis is my blog . It is the place to go for stories about the Elk River , fly fishing life etc ... or it could also be viewed , I guess , as a collection of random thoughts or even the ramblings of a mad man . You be the judge ....
Visit Our Online Store !!Tired of searching in vain for size 28, 30 & 32 midges ? We have some good news , your search is over !! We have the micro patterns you need in stock :) .
River Conditions & Fishing Reports
Thinking about a visit to the Lady and need the real scoop on what's happening ? Look nowhere else ! On our River Conditions page you will get the real scoop , a fish tale or 2 and pictures that let you know what different sections of the river look (and are fishing like ) . This is not a "Mill Pool Cam" it's a slightly more comprehensive look ;) .....
Thinking about a visit to the Lady and need the real scoop on what's happening ? Look nowhere else ! On our River Conditions page you will get the real scoop , a fish tale or 2 and pictures that let you know what different sections of the river look (and are fishing like ) . This is not a "Mill Pool Cam" it's a slightly more comprehensive look ;) .....

How Do I Do That ?
This page is where you can go to pick up some Elk River tips & tricks .
We will be talking about things like reading riseforms , flyfishing in muddy water ( when the river looks like it does in the picture) , fishing through a hatch , etc .... From advice that can save your trip to the little things that I hope will have you going "I never would have tried that but I am glad I did " this is the place to visit .
This page is my way of saying thank you to all of you who have supported my madness and kept me on the river doing "research" all these years . You have literally changed my life and there is no way to truly repay the debt I owe you for that but maybe at least I can help you put a few more fish in the net .
This page is dediated to Ken "the old man" Yufer , my mentor . Had Ken not been willing to share so much with me I wouldn't have much to write about .

These are the REAL DEAL , tied correctly by me . This is the 1st time in years that my actual ties have been available . There is a difference between these and the clones others are tying , a big one , trust me ;) .... They can be purchased here !
This is also where you go to learn how to tie them . There are complete recipies ,with pictures , so you can have a go at tying them yourself !
This is also where you go to learn how to tie them . There are complete recipies ,with pictures , so you can have a go at tying them yourself !
Take a walk with me on Wv's finest :) ! Here you will get aquainted with this beautiful piece of limestone trout water . Starting at the springs we will work our way down river ...